Schweitzer South Ridge High Point Reroute

Request For Proposals

RFP for 2024 Roundabout to High Point Schweitzer Reroute, Pend Oreille Pedalers

Proposal submission deadline: January 11th, 2024

Project intro:

Pend Oreille Pedalers is acting as project manager for the the reroute of High Point trail, Sidewinder, and Sparky between the roundabout on Schweitzer Mountain Road (4,230 feet) and the Spires Spur (5,266 feet) on the south ridge of Schweitzer Resort.

The property owner, Schweitzer Mountain Properties (SMP) is in the early stages of design and engineering for a ~100 unit housing development located on the site of the existing High Point trail.  In addition, Schweitzer will build a new road from the fire station at the roundabout on Schweitzer Mountain Road, which will eliminate most of the existing Sparky and Sidewinder trails.

SMP's desire is for new trails to be designed, built, and opened to the public before the existing trails are closed. The request is for proposals for around 3.1 miles of new trail design and construction, with an additional alternative of a 1-mile rebuild of the existing High Point trail above the South Ridge development.

The design and build window for this project is tight, bounded on both sides by the snowmelt in the spring and the first snowfall in mid October.

  • Late May - early June 2024: Design and flagging (as snow melts on the ridge)
  • Mid-June 2024: Begin construction
  • October 15th, 2024: Construction complete.

Pre-bid meeting - Friday, December 22nd @9am PST

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 211 540 611 041
Passcode: wGtUdJ

Appendix B: City of Sandpoint Watershed Plans

Appendix C: Insurance requirement

Appendix D: Prospective trail alignments

  • Segment A (Sparky reroute): 4,230’ – 4,430’, 0.65 mi, 6% average grade. The corridor lies on the edge of the Northern Lights powerline right of way. There is an opportunity for a dual track here, with a two-directional, primary uphill route next to a progressive downhill-only jump line.
  • Segment B (Lower Sidewinder DH only): 4430’ – 4550’, 0.14 mi, 17.5% grade. A short DH-only segment from the new Sidewinder to new Sparky, intended to offer DH riders a more direct route back to Roundabout. Uphill riders will take Sparky all the way to the end of the existing Sidewinder trail to the north.
  • Segment C (Sidewinder reroute): 4,540’ – 4,780’, 0.62 mi, 7.3% average grade. This is a two-directional trail to be designed as bike-optimized traditional singletrack.
  • Segment D (Lower High Point reroute): 4,800’ – 5,290’, 1.68 mi. 6% average grade. A replacement for the existing ridge-top trail, the new High Point will be a two-way bike-optimized traditional singletrack. The trail must connect the top of the new Sidewinder, which will end near the top of Schweitzer’s new road from the roundabout, to the Spires Spur, a short spur trail that connects to the paved road in the Spires subdivision uphill from the South Ridge development. After traversing below the new development for about 0.6 miles, the new trail must gain 290 feet over 0.68 miles to rejoin the existing High Point trail.
  • Additional Alternative Segment E (Upper High Point reroute): 5,290’ – 5,700’, 1-mile. 7.2% average grade. The existing High Point trail above Spires Spur gains 410 feet in just 0.79 miles with an average grade of 9.8%. The desire is to rebuild this trail with a lower average grade to make it more suitable for two-way bike traffic. We invite proposals to include a bid for flagging and construction of this 1-mile segment of traditional bike-optimized “alpine” singletrack.

Little Sand Creek Watershed Lower Basin Black DH trail (2024 construction period)
